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Halal Bihalal Doctrine UK 2024

April 27, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Doctrine UK, as a platform for Indonesian PhD students in the UK, is committed to enhancing collaboration, knowledge, and networking among Indonesian PhD students, specifically, and Indonesian students in the UK, generally.

This year, Doctrine UK is organising a “Halal Bihalal” event to foster unity, knowledge exchange, and cultural celebration among its members and the broader community. This event aims to strengthen ties, share insights, and celebrate recent achievements within the community after the holy Ramadan.

The aims of this event are below:

  • To provide an opportunity for members and guests to engage in a cultural tradition of “Halal Bihalal” promoting forgiveness and unity.
  • To facilitate a talk show session with esteemed speakers on topics relevant to the Doctrine UK community: “Enjoying the PhD Journey while We Can”
  • To launch a book written by Doctrine UK members entitled “One Earth, Myriad Wisdom: Multidisciplinary Perspective on Climate Change” that contributes to the academic and/or cultural discourse, representing the collective work or interests of the Doctrine UK community.


  • Date: April 27, 2024, 11.00 AM – 02.00 PM BST
  • Location: KBRI London, 30 Great Peter St, London SW1P 2BU
  • Participants: Members of Doctrine UK, representative of Indonesian students’ organisations in the UK, and other invited guests.


10.30-11.00: Registration

11.00-11.15: Welcome from Chairman of Doctrine UK, Rezza F. Prisandy, PhD Researcher at University of Manchester

11.15-11.35: Opening remarks by the Ambassador of Indonesia to the UK

11.35-11.45: Book Launching

11.45-12.45: Talkshow “Enjoying the PhD Journey while We Can”

12.45-13.15: Lunch

13.15-13.30: Closing and Ramah Tamah

Lunch and drinks will be available for free at the venue. Registration is required. Doctrine UK members or donors who wish to contribute food for this event can contact the committee via email at sekretariat@doctrineuk.org or through the following registration link:




April 27, 2024
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


KBRI London
30 Great Peter Street
London, SW1P 2BU United Kingdom
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