Climate activist demand government to shut down the oil and gas industry, while on the other hand government also have an obligation to provide reliable and affordable energy sources for society. How to find the third way of this contrasting view? As a way forward, how can the government and society incentivize industries to start shifting to low carbon era? Who should bear the cost of this decarbonization effort?
Diskusi Bulan Agustus Klaster Climate Change Doctrine-UK
Tema: How to Accelerate Decarbonization Effort?
Waktu: Rabu, 16 Agustus 2023, 14.00 BST / 20.00 WIB
Pemantik Diskusi: Antonius Prasetya (University College London)
Moderator: Eva Wishanti (University of Leeds)
Sembari menyambut peringatan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia besok, yuk kita diskusi tentang bagaimana membangun masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik. Indonesia Hijau dulu, sebelum Indonesia Emas 2045. Sampai ketemu ya.